Mastering Japanese for Hackers: Intuitive Learning with Japanese Complete πŸš€

Hello Hacker News Enthusiasts! As a community that thrives on breaking down complexity, innovating, and optimizing, I’ve got news that will pique your interest. What if I told you that unlocking Japanese – a language often cloaked in mystique – is more akin to debugging code than you’ve ever imagined? Enter Japanese Complete. Why isContinue reading “Mastering Japanese for Hackers: Intuitive Learning with Japanese Complete πŸš€”

Orthographic Gradients

If you’re not at all familiar with Japanese, it can be a tough to pick up because the writing system is just so different. A combination of phonetic scripts and kanji ideograms make the written language of Japanese seem almost impregnable. How to learn the kanji as someone not inundated with them on a dailyContinue reading “Orthographic Gradients”

The Japanese Complete System

Learn. Train. Retain. Japanese Complete is an interactive textbook with precious insights, helpful quizzes, kanji etymology and mnemonic scenes, kanji writing practice, audio reading tutor, and a platform fitted with tools to help you start generating real Japanese. 1) Listen and Read along to the lessons in the book. Each page is modular so youContinue reading “The Japanese Complete System”

Study, Immersion, Generation

Study, Immersion, and Generation are the keys to quickly attaining proficiency in any target language. While other services provide excellent opportunities for “Immersion,” at Japanese Complete we strive to provide excellent solutions for both “Study” and “Generation.”

Japanese Complete: Features Video

Japanese Complete Supporter Subscriptions (83% off the yearly rate) are available for a limited time until November 30th, 2019. If you’re interested in learning Japanese or getting a subscription for a friend, get one today! Japanese Complete is a frequency-based curriculum approach based on proven fluency acquisition methods. The curriculum is a work-at-your-own-pace three+ yearContinue reading “Japanese Complete: Features Video”

Japanese Complete Minimum Remarkable Product Released

Reference-Quality Online Text and Interactive Drills. Get a Supporter Subscription before December 1st, save 83% on the standard rate. Japanese Complete is a new language learning platform based on Language Blending and effective repetition. The 3-5 year curriculum takes one All The Way. The Iroha is a Japanese pangram for the Kana. Created byContinue reading “Japanese Complete Minimum Remarkable Product Released”

Giving and Receiving

This image shows the difference between the main verbs of giving and receiving in Japanese. Notice how with small changes in particles we change the active giver and receiver of the sentence. The が particle is a marker for the Subject of the sentence (or thought) and is the active one associated with the sentence-finalContinue reading “Giving and Receiving”