How to Input Japanese via Keyboard

「キーボードで日本語の入力」 “Japanese Input via Keyboard” Modern Mobile Japanese Input Methods Each button is actually a mask of five letters. Since Japanese is consonant-vowel pairs you can simply choose the correct consonant (K or T) and then choose the correct vowel (A or O) and end up with your result when you release (KA or TO).Continue reading “How to Input Japanese via Keyboard”

Twenty Vowels English Make, Simply Seven Japanese.

English in all its glory has pure vowels 12 and 8 vowels glide. Compare this with Japanese that has 5 vowels. “Pure” Vowels of English/ı/as in hit/ɪ/ as in read/e/ as in bed/æ/as in bat/ɑː/as in hard/ɒ/ as in shot/ɔː/ as in short/ʊ/as in full/uː/ as in school/ʌ/ as in hut/ɜː/as in alert/ə/ as in aloudContinue reading “Twenty Vowels English Make, Simply Seven Japanese.”

Japanese Complete First Lessons Live

Japanese Complete is now live with the initial batch of lessons, subscribe today and get access to the ninja training grounds for Japanese understanding.

Techniques for Rapid Fluency Acquisition of Japanese

Thirty years of linguistics theory culminates in an approach synthesized for highly effective learning. The trends of the modern-day era expire daily, and it is often in the guise of research that new media hit the streets of the world of academia. However, scholarly articles may not present new truths but they do solidify theContinue reading “Techniques for Rapid Fluency Acquisition of Japanese”

Language Blending

Language Blending, also referred to as Translanguaging, the creation of Bridge Language, and also sometimes Multilinguality, is cross-language teaching and elucidation that yields rapid conceptual understanding and meta-linguistic comprehension, almost as if multiple cities were each being built in the landscape of the brain, and the routes and paths between each city were getting stronger the more the languages were criss-crossed.

Japanese Complete Minimum Remarkable Product Released

Reference-Quality Online Text and Interactive Drills. Get a Supporter Subscription before December 1st, save 83% on the standard rate. Japanese Complete is a new language learning platform based on Language Blending and effective repetition. The 3-5 year curriculum takes one All The Way. The Iroha is a Japanese pangram for the Kana. Created byContinue reading “Japanese Complete Minimum Remarkable Product Released”

Top 50 Most Frequent Japanese Verbs

This article is about the first 50 most-frequent verbs as determined by the Balanced Contemporary Corpus of Written Japanese (2011). “Balanced” refers to the utilisation of online web forums as well as television subtitles in addition to novels and newspapers. 1 言う to say, to speak. いう2 する to do. 3 ある to be (inanimate existence),Continue reading “Top 50 Most Frequent Japanese Verbs”

The Japanese Musical Mind

and how Pitch Accent will bring your Japanese to a native-sounding level. This article is about Japanese Pitch Accent. Most people exercise their eye-strength for recognizing Japanese visually (eye intelligence), let’s work on our ear intelligence! Just like in other languages, rising intonation on the last syllable indicates a question-statement, as in “Are you goingContinue reading “The Japanese Musical Mind”

二十四節気 24 Terms to Denote the Changing of the Seasons

Twenty-four Seasonal Atmospheres 二十四節気 Japan’s seasonal appreciation in clear through art and things like haiku, but did you know that there are 24 specific terms for each “seasonal atmosphere?” We rendered it as “seasonal atmosphere” because there is no term in English equal to 節気 but the ideograms are fairly reminiscent of the idea 節Continue reading “二十四節気 24 Terms to Denote the Changing of the Seasons”

Giving and Receiving

This image shows the difference between the main verbs of giving and receiving in Japanese. Notice how with small changes in particles we change the active giver and receiver of the sentence. The が particle is a marker for the Subject of the sentence (or thought) and is the active one associated with the sentence-finalContinue reading “Giving and Receiving”