Comparison of Introductory Japanese Textbooks

What do you learn when you go all the way through Genki I, Tobira, Mina no Nihongo, and other books? By the numbers, how many Kanji, how many Verbs, how many grammar constructions will you know? This article takes a long solid look at the state of Japanese textbooks today. (Numbers are estimates based onContinue reading “Comparison of Introductory Japanese Textbooks”

To learn Japanese, you need a Rocket Ship.

> very interested in learning more about and how you’ve validated your product Z,Japanese Complete is the result of years of tactics and strategies distilled into one course for getting fluent fast. The main idea is that Japanese is classically taught wrong. Well, not wrong, but it’s not a rocketship. Classical Teaching:Measures number ofContinue reading “To learn Japanese, you need a Rocket Ship.”