Essential Japanese: The Mental Model, Guide Released

Japanese Complete is delighted to announce the release of an essentials guide for Japanese, absolutely free.

This guide is available free of charge for educational purposes and is not to be reprinted without permission.

Download at

Korgi knows you will master the Japanese mental model in no time.

What’s in the guide?

Table of Contents

Designed to give beginners an edge in conquering the Japanese mental model, the Essential Japanese guide by Japanese Complete covers the basics for nouns, verbs, sentence structure, and more.

Sample Pages

This is the first release of the free guide and we plan to include more useful information as times goes on. You can see the Future Work section at the end if you’re interested on where we’re headed. Please e-mail us with suggestions for the guide and corrections if you find any. If the free tier is this good, just think how good the actual application is.

Hakujo wants to let you know that we believe in you! You can master Japanese!

Download at

Consider getting a monthly subscription to the interactive online ninja training grounds for Japanese at Japanese Complete

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