Japanese Diacritical Marks

In Japanese, diacritical marks like the dakuten and handakuten are considered markers that indicate if a sound is vocalised or plosive, respectively. Handaku-ten (“Half vocalised” = “Plosive”)半濁点・はんだくてん『○ ゚』は→ぱ、ひ→ぴ、ふ→ぷ、へ→ぺ、ほ→ぽ     ha→pa, hi→pi, fu→pu, he→pe, ho→po Daku-ten (“Vocalised” = Hum while you say the sound)濁点・だくてん『○ ゙』    は→ば、ひ→び、ふ→ぶ、へ→べ、ほ→ぼ    ha→ba, hi→bi, fu→bu, he→be, ho→bo     か→が、き→ぎ、く→ぐ、け→げ、こ→ご    ka→ga, ki→gi, ku→gu, ke→ge, ko→go     た→だ、ち→ぢ、つ→づ、て→で、と→ど    ta→da, chi→ji, tsu→dzu,Continue reading “Japanese Diacritical Marks”