Visual Sentence Composer Demo by Japanese Complete
  1. Choose a noun (bottom left, blue)
  2. Choose a grammatical particle (top)
  3. Repeat 1 and 2, zero or more times
  4. On the bottom right (teal), choose a verb to seal the sentence.
  5. Click "submit wag" and see the attempted ranslation below.

Visual Sentence Composer for Japanese

Demo by Japanese Complete


sentence preview
Attempted Translation:
  1. Choose a noun (left side, blue)
  2. Choose a grammatical particle (top)
  3. Repeat 1 and 2, zero or more times
  4. On the right side (teal), choose a verb to seal the sentence.
  5. Click "submit wag" and see the attempted ranslation below.
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Advances in Language Learning and Communication Tech, Japanese Complete