How do you say in Japanese?
Results for I'm cumming

「いく!」 or 「いっちゃう!」 [i-ku, "each-a-u" icchau] are both used to mean "I'm coming" in the sexual sense of "having an orgasm." 「いきそうだ。」[iki-sou-da] means "I'm gonna come," and occasionally women use 「だめ!」 to describe various levels of coquettish engagement, playful flirtation, and even orgasms. 「いく」 and 「いっちゃう」 are the main verbs for "to come" in the sensual/sexual sense and in this way Japanese is almost perfectly reciprocal to English, where in English one says "I'm coming [=arriving]," in Japanese one exclaims, [iku, icchau] "I'm going / I go." Although 「だめ」[dah-meh] is often written in Hiragana or Katakana, it can also be written by two kanji 「駄目」(だめ) which can roughly be translated to "cringing eyes" -- used for things that are not allowed or unacceptable, such as exiting through a fire exit door, or also to explain the most intimate of intimate reactions in contemporary parlance.

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