How do you say in Japanese?
Results for Friend

友達だ。(ともだちだ。) [to-mo-da-chi-da]. "Is friend." "Is a friend" or "I am your friend" can be as simple as that. 仲間(なかま)[na-ka-ma] is used to describe one's inner-circle of friends and 仲がいい(なかがいい)[naka-ga-ii] is used to explain that your relationship with one particular person is very good in terms of general timbre and communication. 友人(ゆうじん)[yuu-jin] Almost sounds like "Eugene" and means "friend" or "close friend," example: 彼は友人だ。(かれはゆうじんだ。)[ka-re-wa yuu-jin da] "He is a (close) friend."

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